Welcome to the Isogo TV Podcast!

I’m your host,

Becky Hammond.

You and I gather here on this podcast to fixate on strength in our families and on our teams.

Because when we start from assuming strength, we can make relationships easier.

Interviews, StrengthsFinder® Q&A, Tips, Tools & Resources. It's here for you.

As a leader in your team or in your home, you know the challenges. You can feel burnt out, spent, and like you’ve tried everything.


Join the Isogo TV podcast to learn how to regain energy, connect with your team, be present with your kids — all by accessing what is ALREADY true about you. Your strengths.

Enjoy Isogo TV here OR on your favorite player!

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"As an entrepreneur who manages a team, knowing our Strengths has changed everything."

Isogo helped me get more clear about my strengths and how I could work better to improve my work flow. They were things I sensed to be true about myself, but it was like my eyes were opened in a whole new way—that has had a dramatic impact on both my work and the way my husband and I talk through potential conflict. As an entrepreneur who manages a team (and works with my husband every day!), knowing our Strengths has changed everything—they way we assign roles, the way we communicate, and the way I see my own leadership of them. With Isogo's help, our revenue has increased and we now enjoy our work and lives more!

Anna Runyan
CEO | Classy Career Girl

"We learned how to be more effective on a daily basis, by using our strengths."

We had the opportunity to employ Becky to do one-on-one coaching with our High Performing employees and we had phenomenal results. Everyone who worked with her said they learned a lot about themselves, how to work with others, and most importantly, how to be more effective on a daily basis utilizing their strengths. From an administrative standpoint, Becky was incredibly easy to work with so we could get straight into the exciting learning and growth that comes from her work!

Abbey Z
VP People Engagement and Development | Amobee

"As a business owner, I saw new ways to use my strengths, plus I saved a close friendship from crumbling."

Over the past three years, as I have worked with Becky and Isogo, learning to understand and really value my StrengthsFinder Strengths has transformed the way I think about running my business and has literally saved one of my closest friendships from crumbling. Parts of me that I used to think were inconsistent with the role I chose, I now see as my strategic advantage. And, the friendship I could have lost was saved because I understood the root of the hurt I was feeling (through my Strengths!), and was able to address it head on. It has certainly been life changing for me!

Melissa Grimmett
Owner | Melissa Jill Photography

"Insightful and helpful for my own strengths."

I was driving while listening to the podcast. I immediately hit pause on my Apple Watch, and tapped on the Evernote Icon and recorded a voice note so I wouldn’t forget. Simply brilliant. 

Ricardo M.
Isogo Podcast Fan

"Awesome approach and resources."

I just discovered isogostrong.com and have watched a number of your videos…. I love your approach and your resources!

Susan M.
Isogo TV Fan

"A highly recommended listen!"

The key take away from the Balance series for me was the lens shift of aiming to achieve a fine-tuned, personal rhythm rather than juggling for balance. As an achiever, this new mind frame reminds me to tone down the desire to always be accomplishing something, a desire that can lead to burn out or feeling like I am never enough.

Bre E.

"If you are feeling discouraged in your family like I was, then here you can find hope and a clear path in how to overcome."

I was increasingly worried about where we could be headed and I needed to figure out how to reconnect with my husband - nothing else in my life was more important to me. To say I was hungry for help and some kind of plan would be an understatement. The problems with understanding each other, poor communication and lack of a plan were serious hurdles. I came across Becky’s content online, and I was hooked - I felt so encouraged by her content on marriage and I had a total “aha!” I just knew that somehow using my strengths was going to play a part in helping get me things back on track. Becky has a genuine, caring and professional demeanor that I appreciate in her delivery of content. This isn't just another lightweight program with a bunch of fluff. It is the deep-dive I needed. If you are feeling discouraged like I was, then Becky will give you the hope and sense of possibility that you need. And a clear path in how to get there.

Tiffany T.
Wife, Mom, Professional

"I was hesitant in my busy-ness, but I'm so glad I did it!"

I was hesitant to take the time for personal growth during the middle of yet another move. But I did it, and I'm so glad I did! Through the virtual coaching with Becky and Isogo, I was able to get to a place in my mindset in my marriage that I no longer "long for him to be different" but rather am grateful for the ways that we ARE different, and try to see the good in them rather than the frustration. It also helped in a time of personal loss, to know that my strengths play a huge part in helping me recover. Plus, I now have tools that I can use to get out of the "weekend blues" that I sometimes feel when it seems like I haven't accomplished as much as I do on the weekdays.

Breawna Eaton
Writer, Mom + Wife

"It gave me the confidence that I usually know the right answer because I have these built in talents that I can follow."

My experience with Isogo and Becky was so incredibly helpful. Sometimes when I feel useless or a little lost in my direction (like when I’m not as busy with work or personal life), I flounder and get unsure of things. But going through the Experience was a reminder of why I can feel “empty” sometimes. I should ask, have I put myself in an environment where I can have these “needs” met? Usually the answer is no. Like, I really want someone to invest in (Developer Strength)…but guess what, they won’t be knocking on my door, so I need to put myself in a situation that will facilitate that. Becky's virtual coaching gives the confidence that we usually know the right answer, because we have these built in Talents, but we need someone to hold it up in front of us in order to realize it.

Michelle Kuiken
Business Owner, Professional Organizer + Wife

"Extremely helpful in my work and my marriage in a time of transition."

In the last year my life has seen many changes—changes in location, work situation, and work balance in my marriage. After a forced end to my job as a result of relocation, I knew I also wanted a new balance in my life with both family and work, but I was unsure of what shape it should take. Through StrengthsFinder and working with Isogo to understand my Strengths, I was able to negotiate a new role at my company, allowing me to better care for my family. And it gave my wife and me a new vocabulary and toolset with which to articulate our needs to one another. So it is with a clear understanding of my Strengths that I have settled into a new home, a new career path, and a newly-solidified life after a year of changes.

Meghan James
Web Strategist & Copywriter

"I am not a newbie to strengths, and I found the virtual group coaching to be very valuable."

When I finally decided to take the plunge and sign up with Becky and Isogo, I was in a place where I was trying to discern next steps after being a full-time mom for many years and an engineer in my previous life. I wanted to be able to do something that honored and articulated who I really was, in the midst of juggling family, setting boundaries, and getting paid. I am not a newbie to strengths, and I found the virtual group coaching to be very valuable. It gave me an amazing opportunity to learn from others and encourage other people. I have loved working with Becky and the friendship we have built as a result, even though we've never met in person. I highly recommend working with Becky.

Ann H.
Engineer, Coach, Mom + Wife

"I saw some of my Talents as a negative or "not good", but now I see the positive in them."

I think for me, I saw some of my Talents as a negative or "not good" like discipline and responsibility, but you were able to help me see the positive in them and I have also since realized that for myself and my family - it works and that they are positives and truly strengths for me! Thanks for awakening me to this!

Julie G.
Mom, Fit4Mom