Sometimes, it is acclaimed as the dirtiest word among my clients. Certainly this word should be whispered in the dark?
Shhh. Don’t say it too loudly…weakness…
Weakness?? Gasp.
I find it somewhat entertaining (and certainly welcome) when the first hand goes up in one of my workshops, usually about 1/3 the way through…to ask about Weakness. Sometimes it is sheepish, like the Strengths-perspective leaves no room to talk about Weakness. Sometimes it is bold, challenging their understanding of what this whole Strengths-paradigm is all about.
And I love it. I love to talk about the things that get in our way.
StrengthsFinder is certainly NO excuse for our weaknesses. In fact, it is a tool, better than any I know, for mitigating and neutralizing our weaknesses in a way that maintains the emphasis on Strength and does NOT zap our energy in the process.
This week on Episode 43 of Isogo TV | Live and Work Your Strengths Video Podcast, Neutralize Your Weaknesses AND Boost Your Energy with these 4 Specific Strategies :: Part 1, I share 2 (of 4) tested and true strategies for mitigating for those things that get in the way—our weaknesses!
In Episode 43, you can expect:
- My favorite and the most useful definition of weakness I know.
- The first two of 4 research-backed strategies for mitigating weakness (see Part 2 for the next two!)
- Two word pictures you can use to face weakness that doesn’t zap your energy, and in fact boosts it in the process.
- To learn that the best way to use natural Strength to overcome Weakness begins with you!
We are addressing this “dirty word” head on. So let’s dive in!
{Oh, and don’t forget to stick around for the FREE Volume Control tool below—such a great word picture and worksheet for taking your StrengthsFinder Top 5 from the theoretical to the practical!}
I love that the Strengths-paradigm even seeps into the most effective tool for addressing its antithesis –Weakness. It really turns the conventional wisdom for addressing weakness on it’s head, and I not only love it, I know it is part of the life-change in store for those willing to really take the plunge.
In this week’s Episode, I mentioned the Volume Control tool that can really help you take the theoretical knowledge of your Top 5 Strengths and bring them to the practical application that leads to life-change—more energy and less frustration at work and life.
So, be sure to get your FREE printable download to use on your own or in a team.
More than anything, I want to help you succeed and grow. So, connect with me with any questions, excitements or skepticism you have…I’d love to connect with you over on Facebook or Twitter, both @IsogoStrong or by this handy little contact form.
Until next time! Be strong!
Links & Resources from Today’s Episode
Episode 32 | Isn’t StrengthsFinder an excuse to suck?
Episode 31| Ep 31: Ultra-specific Way to Experience More Flow + Less Frustration at Work (or Play!)
Today’s Free Bonus Printable- Volume Control Tool
Strengths Startup from Isogo
My little ask?
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It helps get the word out to others just like you! And I really appreciate it.
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