We are just barely on the other side of a big move—from the sky scrapers of NYC to the suburban sprawl of Maryland. As we treasured our last moments in the City and tried to squeeze it all in, there were inevitably things we had to say NO to…even really good things!
As we took up the courage to say NO, we realized we were free to say YES to other even more freeing and energizing things.
For example…when I said NO to shooting more episodes in our coming Isogo TV Miniseries, it was a hard pill to swallow {Achievers don’t really like readjusting the to-do list as a general rule!}. But it gave me space to be able say YES to getting ahead in other areas of work AND the freedom to really, truly enjoy some final NYC-only experiences.
Today, in the fifth Episode of our 8-part Isogo TV Miniseries on Balance, we get to chat about the scary and liberating power to say NO…and what that does to free space for the bigger “yeses” in our lives.
In Episode 50 of the Isogo TV | Live and Work Your Strengths Video Podcast, you can expect to:
- Hear from the experts on the power of saying NO and it’s role in attaining our ideal rhythms in life
- See one of my favorite word pictures of the busy-ness of life in action–from jar to rocks to corks!
- Define for yourself the biggest “yes” in your life so you have the courage to really find the freedom to say no
{Throughout this Balance Miniseries, we have been referencing the FREE Balance Checklist that helps you keep track of your own progress on finding a more meaningful rhythm in your family and work, so be sure to get yours at isogostrong.com/itvbalance}
We are now over half way through our Isogo TV Miniseries on Balance! If you have missed any of the previous 4 Episodes, be sure to check them out—the first about redefining our definition of “balance”, the second about setting an enticing vision, the third about identifying what is “off” in our worlds, and the fourth about discovering what energizes and drains!
You can also read all about the changes and value we have planned for the entire Isogo TV Season 2, right here. It’s all based on your feedback {which we so value!}, so we’re excited to make it even more relevant for you!
Be sure to follow along with the FREE Balance CHECKLIST…and use your Strengths to achieve the ideal Rhythm for your life!
Next week, in Episode 51, we chat through one of my favorite elements of balance—the community element! So be sure to pick up with us again in the Episode as we begin to get a partner involved!
See you next week on Isogo TV!
Links & Resources from Today’s Episode
Use Your STRENGTHS to Create Life-Balance {FREE CHECKLIST}
{FREE} Volume Control Printable Resource
Isogo TV Season 2 Starts Tomorrow! {Here is what is in store for your marriage, kids, and work!}
The Balance We Are All Looking For {balance series 1 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 46
Envision YOUR Balanced Life {balance series 2 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 47
Identify What is “Off” {balance series 3 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 48
Set Priorities by What Energizes & Drains {balance series 4 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 49
Hell Yeah or No by Derek Sivers
Essentialism by Greg McKeown & my own review
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