Set Priorities by What Energizes & Drains {balance series 4 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 49

StrengthsFinder Balance series 4 of 8 Set Priorities Feature

Much of the frenzy in our lack of balance comes from the overwhelm of figuring out how to prioritize. We know that everything does NOT fit into one day, but how in the world do we go about prioritizing what should be cut and what should stay?

Today, in the fourth Episode of our 8-part Isogo TV Miniseries on Balance, we do NOT go slashing away at the schedules or activities of our daily family life or work life. Rather, we start with a principle—one that identifies those things that energize and those things that drain.

As we identify every task of our daily lives and start to sort out those things that energize and those things that drain, we start to see our priorities {and our Strengths!} emerge.

So, along with a clear filter of our values {like we talked about in Episode 47}, those things that energize and drain start to clarify the path to our ideal family-work rhythms.

StrengthsFinder Implicit Values


In Episode 49 of the Isogo TV | Live and Work Your Strengths Video Podcast, you can expect to:

  • Learn a practical, step-by-step activity that can help you narrow in on the things that most energize and most drain you in your daily life
  • See me walk through that very activity right on screen!
  • Identify the overlap between the essential and the energizing to begin to set priorities in your daily rhythm

{Throughout this Balance Miniseries, we have been referencing the FREE Balance Checklist, so be sure to get yours at}

If you missed any of the previous three Episodes in our Balance Miniseries, be sure to check them out—the first about redefining our definition of “balance”, the second about setting an enticing vision, and the third about identifying what is “off” in our worlds!

You can also read all about the changes and value we have planned for the entire Isogo TV Season 2, right here. It’s all based on your feedback {which we so value!}, so we’re excited to make it even more relevant for you!

Be sure to follow along with the FREE Balance CHECKLIST & Tips…and use your Strengths to achieve Balance in your life!

Balance Checklist Ad Image

Next week, in Episode 50, we tackle one of the most challenging yet most liberating habits you can form—the power of saying NO {and YES too!}. So, definitely plan to join us for the next in our Balance Miniseries.

See you next week on Isogo TV!



Links & Resources from Today’s Episode

Use Your STRENGTHS to Create Life-Balance {FREE CHECKLIST}
StrengthsFinder® Implicit Values {FREE RESOURCE}
9 Steps to Life-Change through your Strengths {FREE CHECKLIST}
Isogo TV Season 2 Starts Tomorrow! {Here is what is in store for your marriage, kids, and work!}
The Balance We Are All Looking For {balance series 1 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 46
Envision YOUR Balanced Life {balance series 2 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 47
Identify What is “Off” {balance series 3 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 48

StrengthsFinder Transcript

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