Isogo TV {Season 2} is back! Beginning tomorrow, we have a whole new Season of Strengths, work, and life oriented videos coming your way!
Based on your feedback at the end of Season 1, we’ve made some changes and are back with even more relevant, Strengths-oriented episodes just for you!
This Season, we adhere tightly to Isogo’s Mission, and our specific mantra is this:
Using StrengthsFinder® to fuel the marriage connection you crave, the parenting grace you need, and the work energy that flows from a happy home.
We are all-in on providing insights, stories, and tools that get at the heart of using your most natural Talents to reenergize your home life, knowing that a healthy family allows you the freedom to make your work world a healthy place too!
What Has Changed {and What Hasn’t!}
If you have been following along with Isogo TV so far, here are a two key changes you can expect out of Season 2:
- Shorter videos :: In life’s full schedule and the constant inundation of worthy ideas, you indicated that smaller bursts of StrengthsFinder insights would feel more manageable. So, that’s what you’ll find—shorter episodes 5-9 min in length!
- Topics by Miniseries :: While we will take each week in shorter increments, we are expanding their stickiness-factor by diving into one topic over the course of several weeks—creating several “Miniseries” along the way.
PREVIEW :: Our first two Miniseries are on their way and they are stellar…the first about finding balance in home and work and the second about connecting more deeply in our marriages!
I am excited about these changes with high hopes for their impact on the small aspects of your life {that add up to the big things!}.
On the flip side there are two key features that you can expect to remain consistent in Season 2:
- Usable Action Items :: My own filter of the world must leave you with both a heart-impactful story and a tangible next step. So you’ll find some way to put the insight into action in every episode!
- Helpful Resources :: A “tool” is often the visual we need to make a change or take a next step or put a key concept at our fingertips. Creating actionable, helpful resources is one of my personal favs, so you’ll continue to see these pop up.
Get Ready with These Two 2-Minute Actions
So, as we anticipate tomorrow’s Season 2 opening, here are two things I’d love for you to do:
- Your Feedback! :: I need your input about what you’d like to hear about. You already know that we start off our Season by talking about Balance and Marriage — too biggies in our lives. What else would you consider a struggle or challenge or road block in your life right now? We can add a Strengths perspective to just about anything, so please connect with me in the Comments, via Facebook, or privately via this contact form.
- Subscribe at iTunes or YouTube :: Keep up on each Isogo TV Miniseries by subscribing to Video Podcast at YouTube and/or at iTunes. At iTunes, you can watch or choose just to listen as you work or ride!
I look forward to your continued feedback and to seeing you TOMORROW on Isogo TV!
Links & Resources from today
An Inside Look from Becky—How Isogo’s Vision Includes You | Isogo TV Episode 35
As always, one of the best places to join the Strengths conversation is over at our Facebook Group — Energy Up Frustration Down by Strengths. Join us as we all try to figure out just how to use our Strengths to impact the most important things around us—in our work and life.
If you’re thinking about the way a Strengths-perspective could impact your marriage or your family or you’re just not so sure about it all, reach out, and let’s connect about it. You can catch me at Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, all at @isogostrong, or by this handy contact form.