An Inside Look from Becky—How Isogo’s Vision Includes You | Isogo TV Episode 35

We are going off script. And you’re going to love being a part of it.

When I hired our newest team member {bumping us up to a solid 3, one of whom is not highly compensated…ah, hem, videographer extraordinaire}, it inspired me to get the vision of Isogo out from inside my head and onto a page.

And what transpired has been a boost of energy for the mission of Isogo that I could never have anticipated.

By clarifying the “why” behind Isogo, I recognized that our drive goes way beyond helping you succeed.

It is about including you in the life-change that happens as you recognize and mobilize your most brilliant, natural Strengths.

As you experience that boosted energy and that decreased frustration and you begin to create ripples of change and impact in your life, you are a part of Isogo and this movement for life-change.

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In this Episode 35 of Isogo TV | Live and Work Your Strengths Video Podcast, I am coming to you from inside our home in San Diego. And I am sharing both my own heart and the vision of what Isogo is and will be. It includes you in a dynamic and essential way.

I also give you the inside scoop on what is next for the Hammond family…Isogo TV backdrop is about the change.

Let’s dive in!

So, will you join me??

If you’ve experienced even a glimpse of life-change by the power of your own brilliant, natural strengths, come and be a part of Isogo. Send me your story, even just a few lines, to and be a part of the movement to increase energy and decrease frustration in our work and in the ripple effects of the most important relationships around us.

If you want to see the written, aesthetic version of the Isogo Vision :: Purpose, Mission, and Values—and hold us accountable—download the PDF here.

StrengthsFinder Isogo Vision Free Download

If you’re just starting off on this journey and WANT to live that life-changing story by the power of your brilliant, natural Strengths {because you DO have them!}, a great place to start is with Strengths Startup. I created Strengths Startup as a launching pad for understanding the nuances and edge of your brilliant Strengths.

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With Strengths Startup, you will receive a 6-week email series that is completely customized to you and your Top 5 Strengths, starting off immediately—today—with the insights and power of your #1 Top Strength. This could be the beginning of life-change for you at work and at home.

I want to help you succeed and grow—through that increased energy and decreased frustration that is possible through understanding and wielding your most natural Strengths.



Links & Resources from Today’s Episode

Isogo Vision Free Download
Isogo TV Episode 33 | Be More of Who You Already Are
Inspiration behind our Mission Statement from Digital Marketer
Setting the Vision 
from Infusionsoft
Strengths Startup from Isogo

StrengthsFinder Isogo TV Download Transcript

StrengthsFinder Isogo TV Subscribe YouTube

StrengthsFinder Isogo TV Subsribe iTunes

My little ask?

If you loved this Episode and think others would benefit from it, please rate and review over at iTunes. It helps get the word out to others just like you! And I really appreciate it.

As always, one of the best places to join the Strengths conversation is over at our Facebook Group — Energy Up Frustration Down by Strengths. Join us for weekly chatting, complaining and commending, as we all try to figure out just how to use our Strengths to impact the most important things around us—in our work and life.

In the meantime and beyond, I would love to hear from you and help you. So, if you’re thinking about the way a Strengths-perspective could impact your marriage or your family or you’re just not so sure about it all, reach out, and let’s connect about it. You can catch me at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, all @isogostrong, or by this handy contact form.

Enjoy your day, and {be strong}!

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