A Bundle of Talent Just Arrived! {Hammond News, Summer Strengths & Fall Sneak Peek}

StrengthsFinder Bundle of Talent Feature

Both overdue and right-on-time, the Hammond family welcomes our new bundle of joy!

Born in the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday, this tiny gem has already stolen our hearts {and our sleep!). We cannot help but already imagine the unique set of Talent that our little bundle is packaged with and will develop in the days, months, and years to come.

StrengthsFinder New Talent Baby

For the next few months, I will be taking special time to connect with our new baby and make space to create a new rhythm in our family and work. So, I will be off the Isogo & Strengths grid for a while.

In the meantime, the team and I have a summer of Strengths planned, to continue into the Fall!

So, here is a glimpse of what you can expect from Isogo for the rest of the Summer and a Sneak Peek into the Fall {while I am figuring out how to use my Strengths to keep sanity among four littles!}.

Coming Yet this Summer :: Marriage in The Spotlight

The rest of this summer is all about your Marriage—and how you can use your Strengths {and your spouse’s!} to connect more deeply and to get past those issues that always seem to trip you up.

The StrengthsFinder language and the Strengths perspective has been transformational for David and I, so we are putting it all out there—as I tell stories and give poignant and practical what-to-dos about Marriage and Strengths over at the Isogo TV Video podcast.

Starting in a couple weeks, you will find a weekly blog post that follows each Isogo TV Marriage Miniseries episode to dive into the most meaningful ways I know to connect through your Strengths. You can also subscribe over at iTunes or YouTube.

In tandem with the Isogo TV Marriage Miniseries we are also rolling out a brand new resource that helps you use your Spouse’s strengths to connect more deeply with him|her so be sure to tune in to get access to that, too!

Isogo TV distance shot

This week, we wrapped up our Isogo TV Video Podcast Miniseries on Life-Balance. I have received a ton of gracious feedback about the way this series has impacted your own work-home rhythm, so if you haven’t had a chance to listen in, make some space to do so!

The episodes are shorter this season, so you can hit each one in 6-12 min, with take-home action {or thinking!} from each one.

Later this summer, you’ll also find several great posts from the amazing Annie Elliott who will be highlighting some of Isogo’s favorite Strengths-oriented tools, resources and blogs from around the inter-globe.

Fall Sneak Peek :: FREE StrengthsFinder Masterclass

I am ALSO stoked about what this FALL holds for your Strengths.

When the baby haze has lifted, come mid to late October, I am hosting a FREE StrengthsFinder Masterclass that is all about re-energizing your Marriage and your work through your Strengths.

In the class, I will lead you from Strengths-beginnings to having a clear plan for how to use your Strengths for significant impact on your marriage and work.

As of TODAY, we just opened up our waitlist for the FREE StrengthsFinder Masterclass. When you join the waitlist you are not obligated to attend {it’s FREE after all!}, but it sets you up to get PRIORITY registration + first access to exclusive details.

So, click here to join the FREE StrengthsFinder Masterclass :: Re-energize Your Marriage & Your Work.

StrengthsFinder Masterclass Join

I look forward to having you there…and coming out with our new work-family rhythm up and humming!



Links & Resources from today

Subscribe to the Isogo TV Podcast on iTunes and Youtube
Join the FREE StrengthsFinder Masterclass
The Balance We Are All Looking For {balance series 1 of 8} | Isogo TV Episode 46
Isogo TV Season 2 Starts Tomorrow! {Here is what is in store for your marriage, kids, and work!}


As always, one of the best places to join the Strengths conversation is over at our Facebook Group — Energy Up Frustration Down by Strengths. Join us as we all try to figure out just how to use our Strengths to impact the most important things around us—in our work and life.

If you’re thinking about the way a Strengths-perspective could impact your marriage or your family or you’re just not so sure about it all, reach out, and let’s connect about it.

You can catch me at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, all at @isogostrong, or by this handy contact form.

Enjoy your day, and {be strong}!

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