ITV 93 | How You Make Safe Space :: Leaders Who Give a Damn {Part 4 of 4}


“Make safe space as a leader.” There are millions of articles and best practice suggestions about making safe space as a leader.

But…what does that even mean? Practically. Day to day.

And does it work? Or really matter?

The short answers are: yes, it works and yes, it matters. Very much so.

When it comes down to it, effective, inspiring leadership — the type that really gets us jazzed to follow and perhaps who we follow without even thinking about it — is all about how trustworthy and safe you make your environment.

In this last episode in the 4-part series about Leaders Who Give a Damn, Isogo TV Podcast Episode 93, Murray Guest and I get to flesh this out.

We chat through stories and stats about:

  • What does it mean to make safe space as a leader?
  • What happens when you do it well?
  • And what are some practical first steps you can take to move toward safety and trust in ways that allow {and get!} people to move toward greater success for your team and organization?

In the end, this type of leadership creates a breeding ground for great engagement, great productivity and great success. And proves that you really are a Leader Who Gives a Damn.

So, watch+listen below or catch the leadership conversation on iTunes, YouTube, GooglePlay, or Stitcher.




Leaders who others are excited to work for and to follow, truly are those who care about creating a safe space, who understand the impact their presence and approach has as a leader and work intentionally to be sure there is a culture of trust.

So, as your virtual coach today, I’d challenge you to ask yourself some of those questions:

  • Are you modeling what it looks like to be vulnerable and trust the space?
  • And do your people come to you with their challenges, failures etc or do they stand off?

When you answer these questions, you start to get an idea of the type of safety you’re creating in your team and culture.

Often, as a leader yourself, it’s hard to assess — am I really a leader who gives a damn? Who cares about my people and inspires them to follow.

So, Murray and I put together a Leaders Who Give a Damn quiz to help you zero in on where you are as a leader.

After you get your result, you also get a custom report that talks about your leadership style and some specific actions steps you can take to take your leadership to the next level.

You can pop over to that quiz at:

If you missed Part 1 about the Little Things of leadership, Part 2 about How You Show Up, or Part 3 about How You Do Less, then be sure to check those out, too.

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{Also available on GooglePlay and Stitcher.}



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