Can my strength actually be a weakness? | Isogo TV Episode 24

StrengthsFinder Wrecking Ball

Sometimes my “strengths” are a wrecking ball.

The beautiful, powerful internal drive to achieve helps me scale unsurmountable peaks. But it has also reared its dark head to trample relationships in its way.

My unique and determined belief system has served as my rock-solid filter, light and guide through the toughest of decisions. But, to my regret, it has also held staunchly without grace in the face of others who do not share the same convictions.

At some level, we can all relate. It is woven into the fabric of the human condition.

The things that champion as the root of our greatest success can simultaneously serve as our most glaring flaws.

This week in Episode 24 of Isogo TV | Live and Work Your Strengths Video Podcast, I am answering a question that I frequently hear from you all — Can my Strength also be My Weakness? I share my favorite definition of weakness and a few examples of what “strengths-turned-weakness” can look like—AND a word picture that helps keep those talents operating as Strengths {and not wrecking balls!}.

I’ve seen it, and I’m certainly living it. Join me by watching Isogo TV below!

{That fabulous colleague and friend from the video, with the Responsibility strength-turned-weakness, runs a fantastic Strengths based company over at And Episode 19, The Hidden Power of Weakness, that I referenced can be found right here.}

In order to start hitting your best stride using your Strengths, you have to know what your Strengths really are–put a language to them and bring them out into the open. The StrengthsFinder is my favorite tool to do just that. I have seen it at work in 100s of people (including my own family, clients and colleagues!) and am so impressed by the science behind it.

Whether you already know your Top 5 Strengths or still need to name them, you can take the next step in achieving thriving success, more energizing moments and less frustration—right now.

I really am stoked to be able to offer you a tangible tool that will put your Strengths in front of you every day and give you the clues and prompting to use them—to get energized and knock out the frustration.

So, check out Strengths Startup for your customized next step toward intentionally living those unique Strengths of yours.

StrengthsFinder + Strengths Startup Ad Image

With Strengths Startup, you will receive a 6-week email series that is completely customized to you and your Top 5 Strengths, starting off immediately—today—with the insights and power of your #1 Top Strength. This could be the beginning of life-change for you at work and at home.

I want to help you succeed and grow—through that increased energy and decreased frustration that is possible through understanding and wielding your most natural Strengths.



Links & Resources from Today’s Episode

StrengthsFinder + Strengths Startup
Meet Sarah Davis from reCreate
What is StrengthsFinder? Translating a Foreign Language.
Internal and Invisible, Tribute to Curt Liesveld | Isogo TV Episode 9
The Hidden Power of Weakness | Isogo TV Episode 19

StrengthsFinder Transcript

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My little ask?

If you loved this Episode and think others would benefit from it, please rate and review over at iTunes. It helps get the word out to others just like you! And I really appreciate it.

As always, one of the best places to join the Strengths conversation is over at our Facebook Group — Energy Up Frustration Down by Strengths. Join us for weekly chatting, complaining and commending, as we all try to figure out just how to use our Strengths to impact the most important things around us—in our work and life.

In the meantime and beyond, I would love to hear from you and help you. So, if you’re thinking about the way a Strengths-perspective could impact your marriage or your family or you’re just not so sure about it all, reach out, and let’s connect about it. You can catch me at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, all @isogostrong, or by this handy contact form.

Enjoy your day, and {be strong}!

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