ITV 116 | Strengths in Crisis with Patricia Beals

patricia beals strengths in crisis isogo tv

Everyone gets their forehead checked for fever before they walk into the clinic. The orthodontic techs are only operating out of two chairs, spread widely apart. The providers restructured to care for as many people as they can via Telehealth. At the pinnacle of her career, anyone who knows Patricia Beals suspected that 2020 was destined for big things for her.

No one could have guessed that her strategic, compassionate leadership was intended for such a time as this.


More than almost any other series we’ve shared here on the Isogo TV Podcast, this series about Strengths in Crisis is resonating.

You have messaged me and gone out of your way to share and say so. Thank you for that.

The goal is to help each other cope, encourage each other to persevere, even when it feels like we’re hitting a wall. These shared stories — of COVID19 impact and of using Strength in crisis — are part of that.

In today’s episode — Episode 116 — our guest works day in and day out in an industry that is at the top of all of our minds right now.


Dr. Patricia Beals serves kids and families in her work as the director of the Barrow Cleft and Craniofacial Center at Dignity Health in Phoenix, AZ.

And as she shares today, life as a healthcare provider has been life-alteringly affected.

At the time of this recording, the state of AZ was pretty much closed down, yet she and her team were still going in to serve patients with the highest needs.

And they are figuring out ways to creatively reach the rest and help put the families at ease.

Dr. Beals shares today about the strengths she typically calls upon and how those are not necessarily the ones she relied as heavily upon pre-crisis world.

Not only is Dr. Beals and her amazing team one of my favorite clients, she and I also share another special connection.

So, watch+listen below or catch this EPISODE 116 on iTunes, YouTube, GooglePlay, Stitcher or Spotify.

Patricia Beals LWGAD quiz



As a fellow Achiever, I keep laughing about Dr. Beals’ reflection that she has never worked so hard to accomplish so little.

That’s Positivity at work in her life for sure…the ability to laugh and keep it light even in the most serious of environments like the healthcare field.

I also keep thinking about what an effective leader Dr. Beals is being to her team, in her own strengths like Connectedness and Positivity, as she keeps them drawn toward each other and engaged with each other.

To get to know more about Dr. Patricia Beals, you can find her as the co-director of the Barrow Cleft and Craniofacial Center at Dignity Health, and, her Twitter feed is nothing but positive as she shares the beautiful collages we chatted about.

Her Twitter handle is @Patricia.Beals929 so go and be encouraged there.

Be sure to subscribe to the Isogo TV podcast {video or audio versions} on your favorite player so that you’ll get to hear from the amazing line up of leaders, ready to share about their own strengths in crisis.


Do you know what advantage your greatest strengths give YOU in crisis and beyond?

If you’re interested to explore more about your Strengths and want to see what it would be like to have Becky Hammond as your virtual coach — checkout her virtual coaching kickstarter — Strengths Startup. Get access to your StrengthsFinder CliftonStrengths Top 5 Strengths AND a 6 week follow up virtual coaching email series that gives you a closer look at each of your strengths.

Click here to explore your Strengths Startup.

Patricia Beals strengths startup


For more IsogoTV Podcast episodes about leadership, teams, families and strengths click here –> Isogo TV Podcast.

To read more strengths-based insights and stories click here for the blog.

As always, your opinion matters…to me and to iTunes. Would you leave a rating + review on iTunes?? 🙂

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