ITV 115 | Strengths in Crisis with Melissa Jill

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Within the past 22 months, Melissa Jill has experienced more life-altering change than most have in a lifetime.

Getting married, having a baby, selling two businesses, building a third, moving to a new state…and then, two months into her new home, the COVID crisis hit.

Just thinking about all that change on top of the world-wide uncertainty is enough to put most in panic mode.

Instead, Melissa let herself grieve, gave her mind a spark, leaned into her faith, and pivoted her business to serve.


More than almost any other series we’ve shared here on the Isogo TV Podcast, this series about Strengths in Crisis is resonating.

You have messaged me and gone out of your way to share and say so. Thank you for that.

The goal is to help each other cope and in some semi-miraculous way, truly thrive. These shared stories — of COVID19 impact and of using Strength in crisis — are part of that.

In today’s episode — Episode 115 — Today’s guest takes us deep into the ups and the downs of what treading through the crisis has looked like for her.

Melissa Jill, my guest today, is a beloved influencer and educator in the wedding photography world and just happens to be pivoting her career as the world flips upside down.

She says that she doesn’t considering herself thriving, but as you’ll hear from her story, she is figuring out ways to leverage her strengths to overcome and make it through — carrying a family and a business with her.

Annnd, for you business owners out there, you have to hear this incredible story of the way she sought out what her clients need and turned her business model around in a weekend to serve those needs.

So, watch+listen below or catch this EPISODE 115 on iTunes, YouTube, GooglePlay, Stitcher or Spotify.

melissa jill ep115 mom quiz



As we’ve been having these conversations, I’ve been surprised by the theme that keeps coming up over and over…and just as Melissa Jill shared today too — when we offer ourselves grace and gentleness in the crisis, we are giving ourselves the ability, like an open widow with fresh air, to breathe…and make it through thriving.

Melissa’s experience really sat with me for a while. I can totally relate to the pity party and the paralyzed feeling — “this is not what I planned…so now what?”

Yet I love the shift that took place when she found a spark for her strengths and started moving again, even though it was a totally different direction.

Even if you are not in the wedding industry, you will love to follow the beautiful posts and meaningful reflections that Melissa Jill offers over on Instagram at her Align Album Design Instagram which goes by the same name @alignalbumdesign.

And if you ARE in the wedding photography industry or know someone who is, then you HAVE to connect with Melissa. You’ll learn so much and be way better off for it.

Also be sure to subscribe to the Isogo TV podcast {video or audio versions} on your favorite player so that you’ll get to hear from the amazing line up of leaders, ready to share about their own strengths in crisis.


If you’re interested to explore more about your Strengths and want to see what it would be like to have Becky Hammond as your virtual coach — with no pressure and no commitment, checkout her virtual coaching Strengths Startup. Get access to your StrengthsFinder CliftonStrengths Top 5 Strengths AND a 6 week follow up virtual coaching email series that gives you a closer look at each of your strengths.

Click here to explore your Strengths Startup.

melissa jill strengths startup


For more IsogoTV Podcast episodes about leadership, teams, families and strengths click here –> Isogo TV Podcast.

To read more strengths-based insights and stories click here for the blog.

As always, your opinion matters…to me and to iTunes. Would you leave a rating + review on iTunes?? 🙂

AND, be sure to tag #makerelationshipseasier as you scroll about your squares. See you there!

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