The Hidden Power of Weakness | Isogo TV Episode 19

StrengthsFinder Manager

She had an epiphany just about a year ago now.

She was miserable. And she did not really know why.

She had taken on the projects of her dreams. She was an influencer and a leader and extremely well loved. She was making things happen for her clients, and they were happy.

But she was not happy. She was suffering.

She was drained. Things were falling through the cracks. The relationships she had once fostered and craved now took the back burner to the processes and check boxes of productivity.

And then, the epiphany.

When she finally set aside an intentional moment to think about her downward spiral, she realized that almost every one of her daily activities fell into her areas of weakness. She was operating in the most draining and unnatural parts of how she was wired, and it was not working.

Well, she was doing it. She was performing. But it was taking a toll—on her business relationships, on her engagement, and on her sanity.

StrengthsFinder Manager Weakness

And then came epiphany part 2…only SHE could change that.

It would take a risky move.

She had to admit her weaknesses. She had to go to her colleagues, her team, and her boss, pull back the curtain on her wiring and admit she had taken on everything that was draining and weak, at the expense of that which was energizing and strong.

It felt risky. But, it also felt liberating. And the payout could be so big.

Today on Episode 19 of Isogo TV | Live and Work Your Strengths Video Podcast, I am sharing about the Hidden Power of Weakness.

That power is hidden in the hands and willingness of you, as the manager, to create an environment where it is ok to admit those areas that are not your strongest Strengths—admit those weaknesses.

I share a true story of a work environment that was so hostile toward weakness that it ultimately resulted in a work product that the manager himself described as “less than average.” AND, it made everyone miserable in the process. And oh, they could have been so much more!

So join me to uncover that Power for you and your teams as well.

The executive with the epiphany understood that the risk of NOT admitting weakness dramatically overpowered the risk of admitting them. She did not want to be “less than average” like the two colleagues from the video had settled for.

She wanted to thrive {for her own sake!} and wanted her company and her team to excel in a way they could only do if she stopped working in her weaknesses and started working in her Strengths.

And now, after unveiling that hidden power of weakness, that’s just what she is doing.

She is thriving.

Often the first step to identifying the areas that are lesser Strengths {or flat out weaknesses!} for you, is in getting laser clear about those things that are the most energizing talents you have. The Gallup StrengthsFinder is an incredible tool to identify your strengths and get you started on the journey toward maximum effectiveness and thriving.

So if you have not identified your Strengths, do it. Today. It takes 35 minutes, and it is life changing.

You can do it right here in a bundle that includes the Gallup StrengthsFinder® AND Strengths Startup directly from me. StrengthsFinder zeros in on your natural talents and Strengths Startup is a 6-week customized email series that helps you begin to put Your Top 5 Strengths to work. If you’ve already done the StrengthsFinder assessment, you can get Strengths Startup all by itself {click here and scroll to the bottom to get access!}

So click on the infographic below to get started.


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Let me know what questions you have…about managing in Strengths or about the Strengths Startup. I cannot wait for you to experience the energy and success you crave as you discover and develop your Talents…to get out of your weaknesses…today!




Links & Resources from Today’s Episode

StrengthsFinder + Strengths Startup
Eradicate Frustration in Your Team Part 2 :: Be Heard | Isogo TV Episode 38
From Professional Thriving to a Downward Spiral {and back again!}: A Strengths Story

StrengthsFinder Transcript

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My little ask?

If you loved this Episode and think others would benefit from it, please rate and review over at iTunes. It helps get the word out to others just like you! And I really appreciate it.

As always, one of the best places to join the Strengths conversation is over at our Facebook Group — Energy Up Frustration Down by Strengths. Join us for weekly chatting, complaining and commending, as we all try to figure out just how to use our Strengths to impact the most important things around us—in our work and life.

In the meantime and beyond, I would love to hear from you and help you. So, if you’re thinking about the way a Strengths-perspective could impact your marriage or your family or you’re just not so sure about it all, reach out, and let’s connect about it. You can catch me at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, all @isogostrong, or by this handy contact form.

Enjoy your day, and {be strong}!

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