Signs of Talent | Isogo TV Episode 10

Signs of talent can be revealed in the most interesting ways.

I have been minorly obsessed with peanut butter for quite some time now. And recently, it has been on my mind.

Peanut butter and apples, peanut butter and waffles, peanut butter and carrots, peanut butter and oatmeal, peanut butter and anything chocolate….

I even fleshed out some of my obsessiveness over at our family blog and posted a “how to stir a jar of peanut butter” video. It was kind of ridiculous, absolutely fun, and it got me thinking about strange talents.

The things we do every day, that we do naturally, without trying—even if SLIGHTLY bizarre, like coming up with a method of stirring peanut butter!—might actually be signs and hints of unique talent. We tend to write off a lot of life as “personality quirks” or personal idiosyncrasies. But often, these quirks can be hints of our own talent.

bizarre signs of talent.png

This week on Episode 10 of Isogo TV | Live & Work Your Strengths Video Podcast, I share my peanut butter obsession and what it has to do with my own talent, as well as some ideas of the strength that YOUR personality quirks might have.

So, I hope you will join me in uncovering some of your hints of talent!

{Oh and if you’re interested in fanning a peanut butter obsession for yourself, check out this peanut butter (only and always Crunchy) and you’ll never go back}

What’d you discover? What talent have you chalked up to a personality quirk that could be refined into a usable strength? Let’s share and help each other find strength in those everyday hints. Comment below or contact me directly, and I’ll get right back with you.

If you would like pro insight into those Top 5 strengths of yours, connect with me, and I’ll help point you or your team toward the next steps that are right for you.



Links & Resources from Today’s Episode

Get your Top 5 Strengths with StrengthsFinder + Strengths Startup
Use 1 of these 5 ways to help you Focus on Strength
{9 Steps} to Life Change through your StrengthsFinder Top 5 Strengths
Feeding our Peanut Butter Obsession | Doing What We Do blog
The peanut butter that will change your life

StrengthsFinder Transcript

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My little ask?

If you loved this Episode and think others would benefit from it, please rate and review over at iTunes. It helps get the word out to others just like you! And I really appreciate it.

As always, one of the best places to join the Strengths conversation is over at our Facebook Group — Energy Up Frustration Down by Strengths. Join us for weekly chatting, complaining and commending, as we all try to figure out just how to use our Strengths to impact the most important things around us—in our work and life.

In the meantime and beyond, I would love to hear from you and help you. So, if you’re thinking about the way a Strengths-perspective could impact your marriage or your family or you’re just not so sure about it all, reach out, and let’s connect about it. You can catch me at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, all @isogostrong, or by this handy contact form.

Enjoy your day, and {be strong}!

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