ITV 82 | Become an Asset in Motherhood Using Strengths {with Caitlin Kissee}

isogo tv clifton strengths Ep82 caitlin kissee

She had been wildly successful in everything she attempted. She excelled in school, grad school, the business world, and she even successful launched her own company. Then, motherhood hit.


Suddenly, every book she had read and every tip she had heard was landing flat. She felt inadequate and not cut out for this job she thought she would ace.

She looked around at the flexible, nurturing mom-friends around her and felt despair. She was not cut out to be a mom.

Then, somehow, in the middle of the storm of toxic voices and failed attempts, she heard a whisper — remember what makes you strong.

Over the past three years, today’s Isogo TV Podcast guest, Caitlin Kissee has journeyed toward whole and healthy from that place of despair. Much of that wholeness she attributes to understanding, dialing and learning to love her strengths.

Today on Episode 82, you will hear Caitlin tell the story of her journey and the transformation in motherhood that she hopes other moms will make as they stop comparing to each other, rather, remember that they are not a liability. They are an asset.

So, watch+listen below or catch her interview on iTunes, YouTube, Google Play, or Stitcher.

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If you are a mom, you already know that Caitlin’s story is remarkable.

You can get to know more about Caitlin Kissee at her business site: or over on Instagram @caitlin.kissee

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{Also available on GooglePlay and Stitcher.}



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